This website was created during the Talk of Europe Creative Camp #2 hackathon that took place 23-27 March 2015 in Amsterdam. The aim of the project was to extract and visualize statistically overrepresented words from the English texts of the speeches made in the European Parliament.
Before you move on to the actual content of the site, please make sure you understand what the visualizations here are meant to depict. This is explained in the following text.
What are those "overrepresented words"?
Consider an example of country-specific words, which is one of several visualizations available here. In that case, we highlight the words which are specific to each country. In simple terms, a word is considered to be "specific to a country" if it is present in the speeches from that country a lot, when compared to speeches from other countries.
Another way to explain it, is to say that "specific words" are indicative of the country. E.g. the word "constituent", that you can observe on the wordcloud for "Great Britain" is there because whenever you hear that word in a speech, chances are high the speech was made by a representative of Great Britain. It does not mean that this word is particularly frequent, though.
Similarly, the visualization of month- or year-specific words shows topics that were mentioned in the discussions during a particular month or year, yet comparably less frequently pronounced during other months or years.
Note that the visualizations do not aim to answer the question of why a particular word happens to be significant. Although the most common explanation is that a particular topic is genuinely more interesting to the particular country than others (or it was of high interest during a chosen time period), another reason may be that a particular word is simply part of a vocabulary specific to a country representative, that happens to chat a lot. There may also be issues related to differences in language use by different countries.
How do I use the site?
The use is straightforward - choose the type of visualization you are interested in in the menu above, then select the country / month / year of interest. The checkbox "unique" in the per-country visualization will show you the words that not only are significant for a particular country, but are at the same time not significant for any other country. Note that you can click on the words in the wordcloud — this will show you for each word, which other countries (months / years) have it, and to what extent is it important there.
Technical details
For those interest in the technical details, the visualizations here were obtained as follows:
- First we extracted all speeches from the Talk of Europe dataset that were labeled as "English". There were 254253 of them.
- We applied automated language detection to those speeches, and selected a subset that was detected to be actually in English. This left 206018 texts.
- We split each speech into words, lemmatized the words, removed stopwords.
- We took five countries with the most speeches (GB,PT,FR,IT,DE), and collected the words that were present in the speeches of all those five countries. By this we made sure we are considering generally interesting words and filtering out language-specific words as much as possible. Note, that this somewhat "biases" the result towards the five largest countries, and filters out all words that might be of interest to only one country. None the less, it provides us with a reasonably clean vocabulary of 15770 words.
- To compute country-specific words for a given country, we first computed a contingency table for each word (i.e. how many times it is present in that country's speeches, how often it is present in other countries' speeches, how often other words are present in this and other countries' speeches).
- We then used a one-sided Fisher test to estimate an overrepresentation p-value for each word. We select as significant those words that pass the 0.01 p-value threshold after Bonferroni correction.
- Finally, for each wordcloud we select just the top-100 words according to their p-value. We scale the words in proportion to their log-odds score. Note that higher log-odds scores are not always correlated with lower p-values, yet the overall pictures just looks nicer that way.
- Month- and year-specific significant words are computed in a similar manner.
The complete implementation of the analysis as well as the full source code of the visualization application is openly available on Github. Feel free to improve, extend and build upon. Many other interesting visualizations (e.g. words specific to political-parties, particular speakers, countries over time, etc) can still be done here.